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Brussels ánd Amsterdam sold out in just 3 minutes! We are overwhelmed by the respons to our 30 year anniversary shows! Despite the many text- and mailmessages, there will be no extra show for now. First we’re gonna celebrate this with a few beers (and a bottle of coke for Igor). Thank you all very much! We’ll see what the future holds. For now: see you in 2019!

Anniversary shows in Amsterdam and Brussels
In 2019 it’s exactly 30 years ago we started Heideroosjes. That’s why we return, for two anniversary shows! Of course we step back into the arena at the same place where we left it in 2012: Melkweg Amsterdam (26 January) and the AB in Brussels (2 February).
After our final show in September 2012 we hardly spoke or met. We had been together in a van for 23 years, since the time we were kids. Almost 1500 shows from Japan to the US and South Africa. We felt it was time for new things in our personal lives. Fred expanded his cultural events company, Igor kept touring worldwide as a roady for the band EPICA and Frank focused on his audiovisual technician skills. Only Marco remained as a touring artist. He wrote a book, made two solo theatre shows, recorded an album with a new rock band called STAVAST and featured as the host for the Dutch version of the TV show INK MASTER.
In the recent years we kept getting offers to play a reunion show at festivals. But we simply didn’t want to.
Once a year we had a gathering with our old crewmembers to drink beer and talk nonsense.
It was at the end of such night when we decided to celebrate the fact it’s 30 years since we started our band.
And YES, we are looking forward to that (temporary) return in 2019!
Ticket sales for both shows start Saturday 29th September 2018 at 10 AM CET. Please check websites of Melkweg and AB Brussels!
Support act in Melkweg are our hometown buddies AFTERPARTEES, in Brussels female-fronted punkband MARCH will kick off the party
HEIDEROOSJES IS HISTORY (but the final show is on DVD out now!)
After a fantastic sold out farewell tour through Europe, Heideroosjes ended 23 years of touring and making albums. After 1500 shows and hundreds of thousands of sold albums, the Ancienne Belgique in BRUSSELS was the church for a rock ‘n roll funeral. Two sold out nights in a venue packed with devoted fans and a band that was convinced to kick everyone’s ass for the very last time. How did that look?
Well, you can see that for yourself because the DVD of the final show is out now. This document contains over 4 hours of footage including the complete concert and tour-reports. The DVD comes with a free photobook! You can order your copy here
Like Neil Young once said and Kurt Cobain wrote; “It’s better to burn out than to fade away”. Heideroosjes agree with that one. Thank you, wherever you are, for making our band the best experience we ever felt in our lives. Stay loud..